More Evidence: They're Winning
"Kyoto Can't Save Us" is the name of this article over at Alternet. It (Kyoto) doesn't go far enough, as scientists have been saying for a long while now. And it doesn't do anything "to remove existing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and 'sequester' them where they are no longer dangerous." It only deals with future emissions.
Of course, our government isn't even participating in whatever bit of good Kyoto is doing. And why should they? Global warming isn't provable. It's just a theory, like that one by that English bloke from the nineteenth century who said we evolved from gorillas. And besides, there's not a single mention of global warming in the entire bible. Well, except for that bit about fire and brimstone.
Of course, our government isn't even participating in whatever bit of good Kyoto is doing. And why should they? Global warming isn't provable. It's just a theory, like that one by that English bloke from the nineteenth century who said we evolved from gorillas. And besides, there's not a single mention of global warming in the entire bible. Well, except for that bit about fire and brimstone.