Thursday, March 24, 2005

Silent All These Years

Pointing out the hypocrisy of the right wingers does nothing. They will constantly expose themselves as craven hypocrites because their values are morally, religiously, and ethically misguided—or, to borrow one of their favorite and typically simplistic words—wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. It will be endlessly frustrating for you in your travels through the political and cultural landscape if you fail to grasp this simple point. In fact, they have staked their lives on being wrong. It’s what makes them tick. Being wrong to someone like Sean Hannity is like being black to someone like Richard Pryor. It’s like being gay to Mary Cheney. But it’s even more than being wrong. Their values are based on a top-heavy, trickle-down formula for power, position, and wealth. Nothing more. Nothing less. And they know there’s only so much booty to go around. So they seize, plunder, divide, conquer, shout, scream, torture, rape, and kill for it—at least by proxy they do—and they cloak it all in so much bullshit about American and Christian values.

Please keep this in mind if you inquire of someone of this unfortunate persuasion as to why they’ve worked themselves up into the very same sanctimonious lather over keeping Terri Schiavo alive as they have over killing hundreds of thousands of dark people in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Vietnam; or killing hundreds of people—again, mostly dark, some later proven innocent—in the death chambers of Tom Delay’s and George W. Bush’s beloved Texas penal system. Remember this also if you point out to your hapless friend that maintaining abortion rights is an exercise in compassion for living, breathing, functioning, fallible, unique women—women, yes, that other sex—who must (must!) be allowed to make their own choices about their own bodies. Remember it too when you challenge them to explain why it’s so damned difficult to accept that in this very complex universe in which we dwell some people prefer the conjugal company of others of their same sex. Remember it when you ask the fool what sweet baby Jesus would do.

The stuff between Terri Schiavo’s ears is liquefied brain jizz. There is no higher functioning going on. How do I know this? Because God told me. Apparently, he also told about 99% of the doctors and scientists who’ve weighed in on her condition, too, 'cause they agree with me. The fact that she has become an atrocity exhibition put on by these horrible people is enough to make me retch. They know no bounds. They know no decency. What they know is power.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005



Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Old Face of the Republican Party

Now, that shit is hot!

The New Face of the Republican Party

Now, that shit is hot!

Fuck you, Antonio! Fuck you, too, Carlos!

In the comments to the previous post, Winston Plum says:
"My father told me that they didn't let the guy who wrote and originally sang the song from 'Motorcycle Diaries' sing it last night because he was a 'no-name'. Instead, after that bastion of artisitc integriy Enrique Inglasias turned down the producers' requnest to sub, Antonio fucking Banderas scabbed up and sung it!? And then the poor sap who wrote and originally sang it won! What the fuck? And then he sang it and said nothing else when accepting. Now that's a beautiful fuck you. My question is this, though. Who in the hell had Elliot Smith's back way back when?"

A beautiful fuck you, indeed. But one that I was totally ignorant of while it was going on. It was so late in the show that I had long since lost my reason. I remember the performance of the song, though. As I was watching Santana perform with Banderas, I kept thinking, "Why does this suck so badly?" And then I begged E-Dawg to stab me. As for your Elliott Smith question, I have no idea. The Good Will Hunting Oscars was one of many that I missed.