Fuck you, Antonio! Fuck you, too, Carlos!
In the comments to the previous post, Winston Plum says:
A beautiful fuck you, indeed. But one that I was totally ignorant of while it was going on. It was so late in the show that I had long since lost my reason. I remember the performance of the song, though. As I was watching Santana perform with Banderas, I kept thinking, "Why does this suck so badly?" And then I begged E-Dawg to stab me. As for your Elliott Smith question, I have no idea. The Good Will Hunting Oscars was one of many that I missed.
"My father told me that they didn't let the guy who wrote and originally sang the song from 'Motorcycle Diaries' sing it last night because he was a 'no-name'. Instead, after that bastion of artisitc integriy Enrique Inglasias turned down the producers' requnest to sub, Antonio fucking Banderas scabbed up and sung it!? And then the poor sap who wrote and originally sang it won! What the fuck? And then he sang it and said nothing else when accepting. Now that's a beautiful fuck you. My question is this, though. Who in the hell had Elliot Smith's back way back when?"
A beautiful fuck you, indeed. But one that I was totally ignorant of while it was going on. It was so late in the show that I had long since lost my reason. I remember the performance of the song, though. As I was watching Santana perform with Banderas, I kept thinking, "Why does this suck so badly?" And then I begged E-Dawg to stab me. As for your Elliott Smith question, I have no idea. The Good Will Hunting Oscars was one of many that I missed.